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O what did it mean to the ones who first heard it
O what did it mean to the ones who first heard it
by Andrew Pratt
O what did it mean to the ones who first heard it? A Wonderful Counsellor? God? Prince of Peace? Or was it a riddle? Divine intervention, a hope in their horror, a way to release? So was there assurance, the darkness illumined, to those knowing shadows the promise of light?... Ve
Her first born son, his manger bed
Her first born son, his manger bed
by Andrew Pratt
Her first born son, his manger bed, the straw was where he'd lay his head, his mother resting from the birth, and Joseph wondered at his worth. He held him in his roughened hands, he thought about the world's demands that brought them all to Bethlehem. What prejudice would wait
Numbers in the Bible Assembly Collection - Jesus Heals 10 Lepers - KS2 Assembly
Numbers in the Bible Assembly Collection - Jesus Heals 10 Lepers - KS2 Assembly
by Christian Assembly Team
Jesus Heals Ten Lepers Assembly KS2 Bible ref: Luke 17:11-19 This is excellent as the first Assembly in January although can be used at any time of year to emphasise how we should be thankful for all we have. Story Our story today is about a group of people who wanted something v
Numbers in the Bible Assembly Collection - Jesus Heals 10 Lepers - KS1 Assembly
Numbers in the Bible Assembly Collection - Jesus Heals 10 Lepers - KS1 Assembly
by Christian Assembly Team
Jesus Heals Ten Lepers Assembly for KS1 Bible ref: Luke 17:11-19 This is excellent as the first assembly in January although can be used at any time of year to emphasise how we should be thankful for all we have. Story Our story today is about a group of people who wanted somethi
A hymn for candle lighting services in Advent
A hymn for candle lighting services in Advent
by Andrew Pratt
A hymn for candle lighting services in Advent Different lectionaries and churches use different themes and orders for these service, A selection of four verses for the Sundays of Advent should be chosen from the selection together with the last verse for Christmas day. The order
Numbers in the Bible Assembly Collection - Christmas - No Way Assembly